2023-2024 Schedule
September 6th, 2023 -June 7th, 2023
Monday through Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm
8:00-8:15 Outdoor Open Play Cycle (social/gross motor skills)
Children choose play that interest them and holds their interest
Bathroom Break
8:20-9:35 Indoor Open Work Cycle (language, sensorial, math, cultural, and practical life skills)
Children choose work that interest them and holds their interest
Bathroom Break
9:40-9:55 Outdoor Snack (social/practical life skills)
Children eat a healthy snack outdoors in a circle to encourage healthy eating, community and independence
Bathroom Break
10:00-10:30 Indoor Group Time (literacy, science, or math activity, multicultural/social emotional skills)
Children gather to hear stories, sing songs and participate in various music and movement activities
Bathroom Break
10:35-10:50 Outside Journey (social/gross motor skills)
Children take a walk outside to choose an item of interest
Bathroom Break
10:55-11:15 Outside Circle Time (language, sensorial, math, cultural, and practical life)
Children share out discoveries
Bathroom Break
11:20-11:35 Outdoor Snack (social/practical life skills)
Children eat a healthy snack outdoors in a circle to encourage healthy eating, community and independence
Bathroom Break
11:40-11:55 Outdoor Play Cycle (social/gross motor skills)
Children choose play that interest them and holds their interest
12:00 Afternoon Dismissal
Veteran's Day 11/10
Thanksgiving Break 11/20-11/24
Winter Break 12/25-1/3
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 1/15
President's Day 1/19
Spring Break 3/25-3/29
Memorial Day 5/27
Last Day of School 6/7
*Winter, Spring & Summer Break Schedule To Be Announced